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Photo of Mr Laura POUSSE



Désormais la fixation des honoraires se fait consensuellement. Il est établi entre l'avocat et son client une convention d'honoraires.
(LOI n° 2015-990 du 6 août 2015)

Les honoraires peuvent être établis selon 3 modalités :
  • L'honoraire au temps passé
  • L'honoraire au forfait
  • L'honoraire au résultat


Work experience

  • Since 202: Perreau Avocats
  • 2023: Admitted to the Bar, Court of Appeal of Paris
  • 2021 - 2022: Student lawyer, EFB - Internship at Bonaggiunta law firm, representing victims of domestic violence
  • 2020 - 2021: 2nd year Master's degree in Procedural Law, Jean Monnet University, Paris - Internship at Odeon, a multi-disciplinary law firm
  • 2019 - 2020 : Institut d'Etudes Judiciaires, University of Paris - Internship in the Civil Emergency Department, Paris Judicial Court
  • 2018 - 2019: 1st year Master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, University of Bordeaux-Montesquieu

Areas of expertise

  • Core competencies: liability and construction insurance
  • Type of procedures: litigations
  • Foreign language: English

Professional Experience

After completing her school education in France, Laura obtained her American Baccalaureate after spending a year at a high school in Michigan.

She obtained a Bachelor's degree in Public Law and Political Science from the Institut Catholique de Paris, and went on to complete a 1st year Master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences at the University of Bordeaux-Montesquieu, followed by a 2nd year Master's degree in Judicial Professions - Procedural Law at the University of Paris-Saclay.

Following her final internship with a firm specialising in defending victims of domestic violence, Laura then worked with a firm specialising in medical liability litigation before joining Perreau Avocats.

She now defends professional builders in disputes relating to ten-year civil liability and professional indemnity, and also handles cases concerning building damage insurance.

Contact Mr Laura POUSSE

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